Tuesday, December 27, 2016

#Putin and #Obama in Syria

Hola from Mexico!

It's not hard to penetrate Russian motives for Syria: support a cold war ally, to defeat Western allied proxies, maintain influence, and of course to stick a finger in the eye of American policy - with President Obama as the fulcrum taking the strain.

It was Obama's understandable dithering - reluctant to enter a spillover war - that made the free allied pro-Western rebels cause a waning proposition. Americans deserved a rest from the eternal struggle. Islam still hates them tomorrow. Those reason based groups would surely be consumed by true believers.

Obama called Syria a quagmire. He pronounced that Putin would be entrenched and losing troops for many years. He was right.

But notice that Orthodox Russia found a coalition of Shiite groups including Iran, Lebanon, and pro Iranian elements in Iraq to fight with Iraqi forces against ISIS.  Putin is campaigning in Syria like George Bush 41 did in Gulf War 1991.

The same media that bought George Bush 43's Mess o' potamia, and Obama's half-hearted narrative, these feckless fools did not have the corporate knowledge, the work ethic, the skepticism to recall what a successful campaign looked like just 20 years earlier when led by an American coalition of Arab nations and stalwart NATO allies into Kuwait.

No one can predict if Putin's campaign will succeed but it has all the right elements and common cause that it might succeed.