It may be a hard sell for #DonaldTrump to convince the American people that he wants the office of President just to help the people and not also for his vanity.
Yes. It's clear by now that Donald Trump wants to be president as much for demonstrating to everyone that he can be a good president than for actually making changes that transform the plight of Americans. In his mind, he wants this for himself. Maybe he thinks he can be the next Reagan, maybe he thinks he can be an even better Reagan. It's not important what
But what's also clear about Donald Trump is that he does not intend to hold the office of president as a means to make others in the billionaire class rich. He's far too simple-minded to have a hidden agenda for outright graft invented by the situation. That should be comforting to Americans, those that can stomach the very idea of his victory despite all the nastyness, nonsensical, and the absurd he has inflicted upon them for a year in the making. He's exaggerated how successful he would be as part of his persuasion campaign, and I forecast there would be many buffoonish incidents were he to win, but he's not going to intentionally reach into the halls of power and grab all he can, either.
On the other hand, Hillary Clinton also wants the job for vanity. She campaigns and in that campaigning plays the expected role for a politician as her contemporaries would expect. How Americans have come to understand a politician should act. She has diplomatic bearing and an uncanny habit of avoiding any real answers. On the face of it she seems to be a real candidate.
But she has special interests, or what I call as others have a hidden agenda. She puts on airs because political advancement requires lying to the rubes. It's ironic that Trump is accused of manipulating the rubes and yet when a politician does the same thing it's expected. While she would govern with a more traditional and demeanoured style, she has also proven that she will exploit the office for personal gain; quid pro quo with influential and powerful people that she is in league with who are Americans and not. She has demonstrated it through her Clinton Foundation, her hidden email server - one that makes all her donor email requests sound official as they were coming from the actual Secretary of State at that time, her evasiveness on the transcripts of her speeches to Wall Street banks, and so on. These are patterns of a congenital liar and ne’er-do-wells. She has a hidden agenda, she wants to help people. But in that she also wants to help her people. As a lawyer, she knows the best way to avoid perjury is to hide all evidence and stick to her story. Without proof, it's all hearsay.
I've bet money that Trump will win, that's how confident I am he will prevail.
Right now, Donald Trump is framing Clinton as a woman, and voting for her is voting for a woman. Sooner or later he's going to drop that and move on to other persuasion tactics. Like a teenager struggling with a bra, he's very shrewd about flowing from one kind of persuasion to another. Example:
Notice he is not holding a bible up any longer? He's passed the Jesus test.
Trump's woman card attacks won't work because it is framing himself as bigoted in the same way as Clinton is framing him. So voters will see it as pure mean-spirited bluster.
But when Trump turns to Hillary's underhanded agenda of making sure she can influence and control government for herself, that is when his attacks move from self-blunting effort to the coup de grace.
If and when he comes back to Clinton's motives for getting the White House that will resonate best with the American people. That will be his winning ticket inside.