Tuesday, December 27, 2016

#Putin and #Obama in Syria

Hola from Mexico!

It's not hard to penetrate Russian motives for Syria: support a cold war ally, to defeat Western allied proxies, maintain influence, and of course to stick a finger in the eye of American policy - with President Obama as the fulcrum taking the strain.

It was Obama's understandable dithering - reluctant to enter a spillover war - that made the free allied pro-Western rebels cause a waning proposition. Americans deserved a rest from the eternal struggle. Islam still hates them tomorrow. Those reason based groups would surely be consumed by true believers.

Obama called Syria a quagmire. He pronounced that Putin would be entrenched and losing troops for many years. He was right.

But notice that Orthodox Russia found a coalition of Shiite groups including Iran, Lebanon, and pro Iranian elements in Iraq to fight with Iraqi forces against ISIS.  Putin is campaigning in Syria like George Bush 41 did in Gulf War 1991.

The same media that bought George Bush 43's Mess o' potamia, and Obama's half-hearted narrative, these feckless fools did not have the corporate knowledge, the work ethic, the skepticism to recall what a successful campaign looked like just 20 years earlier when led by an American coalition of Arab nations and stalwart NATO allies into Kuwait.

No one can predict if Putin's campaign will succeed but it has all the right elements and common cause that it might succeed. 

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Using Linux on chrome book

Once you install linux to get back there from reboot:

Once logged in, Ctrl-Alt-T brings up chrome shell crosh

Type: shell

Then type: sudo startxfce4 to start X server session. 

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Trump just pulled off another end around Democrats

No the best persuasion Trump did was side with the victims and the public by declaring that Muslims needed to help turn in bad people and they know what's going on in mosques. Most people agree because if their neighbor is stealing cable, they turn them in because they don't like paying more while others steal.  They expect families to turn in criminals.

While Clinton labels Trump a racist, people know he really isn't because his actions speak of defending Americans in general first. So that's going to look calculating and backfire. People know Clinton is dishonest, despite how she evades the truth. They will remember.

The worst mistake was Obama lashing out at Trump and ignoring the plight of victims to justify his terror wording stance. Obama tied himself and Hillary to justifying for Islam, which equals saying American people are too stupid to understand why we need to measure our words about our enemy. That's a death knell for Clinton in the heartland. When should a president justify for a religion? Never!

Christopher Hitchens pointed out they hate us already and they use any soundbite they like for their narrative. So what?  It's not about appealing to Islam, it's about sympathizing with victims OF Islam. Trump gets what most Americans believe. Obama and Clinton are plutocrats they don't empathize with middle class. This proves it. 

Big mistake in a country that fought 3 wars in Islamic nations.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Trump can win using hidden agenda against Clinton

It may be a hard sell for #DonaldTrump to convince the American people that he wants the office of President just to help the people and not also for his vanity.

Yes. It's clear by now that Donald Trump wants to be president as much for demonstrating to everyone that he can be a good president than for actually making changes that transform the plight of Americans.  In his mind, he wants this for himself. Maybe he thinks he can be the next Reagan, maybe he thinks he can be an even better Reagan. It's not important what

But what's also clear about Donald Trump is that he does not intend to hold the office of president as a means to make others in the billionaire class rich. He's far too simple-minded to have a hidden agenda for outright graft invented by the situation.  That should be comforting to Americans, those that can stomach the very idea of his victory despite all the nastyness, nonsensical, and the absurd he has inflicted upon them for a year in the making.  He's exaggerated how successful he would be as part of his persuasion campaign, and I forecast there would be many buffoonish incidents were he to win, but he's not going to intentionally reach into the halls of power and grab all he can, either.

On the other hand, Hillary Clinton also wants the job for vanity.  She campaigns and in that campaigning plays the expected role for a politician as her contemporaries would expect. How Americans have come to understand a politician should act. She has diplomatic bearing and an uncanny habit of avoiding any real answers. On the face of it she seems to be a real candidate.

 But she has special interests, or what I call as others have a hidden agenda.  She puts on airs because political advancement requires lying to the rubes. It's ironic that Trump is accused of manipulating the rubes and yet when a politician does the same thing it's expected.  While she would govern with a more traditional and demeanoured style, she has also proven that she will exploit the office for personal gain; quid pro quo with influential and powerful people that she is in league with who are Americans and not. She has demonstrated it through her Clinton Foundation, her hidden email server - one that makes all her donor email requests sound official as they were coming from the actual Secretary of State at that time, her evasiveness on the transcripts of her speeches to Wall Street banks, and so on.  These are patterns of a congenital liar and ne’er-do-wells. She has a hidden agenda, she wants to help people. But in that she also wants to help her people.  As a lawyer, she knows the best way to avoid perjury is to hide all evidence and stick to her story. Without proof, it's all hearsay.

I've bet money that Trump will win, that's how confident I am he will prevail.

Right now, Donald Trump is framing Clinton as a woman, and voting for her is voting for a woman. Sooner or later he's going to drop that and move on to other persuasion tactics. Like a teenager struggling with a bra, he's very shrewd about flowing from one kind of persuasion to another.  Example:

Notice he is not holding a bible up any longer? He's passed the Jesus test.

Trump's woman card attacks won't work because it is framing himself as bigoted in the same way as Clinton is framing him.  So voters will see it as pure mean-spirited bluster.

But when Trump turns to Hillary's underhanded agenda of making sure she can influence and control government for herself, that is when his attacks move from self-blunting effort to the coup de grace.

If and when he comes back to Clinton's motives for getting the White House that will resonate best with the American people. That will be his winning ticket inside.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

OPEC has folded - expect oil prices to skyrocket!

Saudi Arabia and the rest of the OPEC cartel stooges have given up trying to bankrupt American oil producers and defeat Iranian production. This was not a total defeat, as they did bankrupt 67 oil companies in the USA during 2015. But Qatar blinked first and the rest are hurting so bad their economies are almost wrecked.

Expect oil to shoot up in value at least at first. They were playing two long games and they lost because they don't have the economic might behind them that they once did as oil-only producers.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Turkey has a war trade with ISIS: old-time profiteering

If you want to win a war, you need to do the things that make victory possible. This is all the evidence you need Obama isn't trying to win or even contain ISIS / da'esh because he has no strategy against Turkey; against Turkey's actions, no threatened sanctions, no shaming them into picking our side or not.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Will Obama eat crow if Putin wins in Syria?


 The fact is that Obama claimed Putin was entering a quagmire in Syria that would devour forces to no effect in a veil of tears. But Obama doesn't know the savagery that a real anti-revolutionary action can wreak. And Russia is not a European nation, it is an Asian one more familiar with unconventional warfare.
Wreaking havoc is a location hazard.

Putin is entirely capable of killing every man, woman, and child in rebel zones. He has enough intestinal fortitude to crush all enemies of Assad in order to win. In fact it was the Russians that cut off the illegal oil supply train to Turkey from IS territory days after launching into Syria. Why wasn't the US coalition cutting off the money supply?

 Putin is helping Assad consolidate the Western half of the nation before they turn their weapons on the rest of the insurgents.  So far, it's the only strategy working.

The US and Western allies are not. The pundits are now comparing Syria to Chechnya; where Islamists tried to take away a state from Russian influence and in return the Russians obliterated all Islamist areas in Grozny. Resistance no more.

The West is too civilized carry out savagery.  If Putin crushes the rebels in order to unite one side of Syria against IS, then will Obama be in a position to be wrong about his prediction. Will he eat crow if Putin does what he is capable of?

Ironically, Trump may be right to let Putin handle the Syrian

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Saudi Arabia started the Oil War to neutralize Iran

As the expression goes, " all politics is local", and that truism might apply to many situations too long to describe here; in the case of the OPEC overproduction it is precisely why Saudi Arabia started this market move.

While American media is fixated on what happens to its companies, they have overlooked the wider more important reality of oil price and purchasing power. Of course the stated reason why OPEC increased production was to increase market share.

Saudi Arabia tried to stop the Iran nuclear deal. They even sounded like Israel in the hopes that Obama would relent. They didn't work. Obama wants a legacy and isn't responsible for protecting Saudi Arabia. Any longer. In fact, with all the illicit support of wahabism and radical Sunni terror, it's more likely this is Obama's payback of Saudi intransigence.

Iran gave up a nuclear program to sell more oil in the wider market which was known to the Saudis as the deal deadline approached.  They faced an 86-million population enemy (in comparison to their 26 million ) that could bring an enemy army right up to Saudi borders with the permission of Iraqi leadership and assault.  The rise of ISIS also gave Iranian hard-liners the justification to enter into Iraq in force should the battle go poorly.  And go poorly it did last summer when Saudi production stayed over demand and started the run on over supply.  ISIS came within 150 km of Baghdad which when you look at that in context of Saudi local politics is a big problem.

In fact, the slow nature of Iraqi counter-offensive against ISIS / da'esh - barely gained Ramadi by January- gives the Iranians more and more justification to pressure Baghdad to let them launch Revolutionary Guard divisions straight into Mosul. This is exactly why the Saudis are now changing their tune towards foreign army / coalitions in Iraq.  Now they are offering their army to go into Iraq not just to defeat ISIS but to make sure that they don't leave a way open for Iran to follow them back.

Better to fight them over there than in your home is also a truism. And Saudi would rather drawn down their wealth than risk arming Iran with more expensive modern weapons.

From an unconventional perspective, having IS operating in Sunni territory acted like a buffer zone to protect one flank from Shia invasion.  They were a resistance point against invasion. IS  united the local population there and neither party trusts Baghdad and would fight Iranian forces on sight.

This is why Saudi has been foot dragging on attacking fellow Sunnis they might need in a few months. Only when greater threats appear through inaction does the kingdom change it's strategy.

So yes, Saudi Arabia wanted to bankrupt shale oil explorers in the US with expensive production costs. The US media can bore you with the dull interpretation of average reporters and journalists trying to remain relevant but aren't willing to do the heavy lifting of assessing data in sum.

But in the local context take all the factors lying in front of you and presented poorly, and reconstruct them along the skeleton I have laid out - remember I was the first person to link the Russian jet bombing to ISIS before they even admitted it was payback to Russia for Syrian invasion.